As a church, we are committed to every-member ministry, part of this commitment means that we view the church not as a place to experience programs, but as a people to live in community. Therefore, the ministries and programs we participate in are not ends in themselves, but are rather means to producing organic relationships among our members where ministry can be lived out in the day to day.
To learn more about our core commitments, vision and mission as a church click here!
Our prayer for our adult ministries is that "organized" will lead to "organic". We want to foster an environment through our named gatherings where members are encouraged to build individual relationships that are saturated by a spiritual tenor and a gospel centrality. You can learn about some of the opportunities for adults to gather below.
The main organized ministry of this church is our corporate worship service on Sunday mornings at 10:30am. This is a gathering for all ages from babies to adults. Though we know it can be hard a times for our youngest participants so we do offer childcare from birth through pre-K. Learn more about that here. We understand this service to be the only formal gathering commanded by God in the Bible (see Hebrews 10:24-25). As such, this is the best chance to learn about who we are, and to get to know the people of SBC. During these gatherings, we sing God's Word, read God's Word, pray God's Word and hear God's Word proclaimed. You can learn more about what to expect here.
Our Sunday school meets every Sunday at 9:30am. We have 1-2 classes at a time. We record all of those classes for those who can't miss a Sunday or want to listen again, you can listen to those on our Disciple SBC podcast or right here on our website. During the same time we offer kids Sunday school for kids from birth through 5th grade. You can learn more about our kids Sunday school here.
Every Wednesday evening we meet from 7-8pm at our building to work slowly through a passage or book of the Bible. Right now, we are working through the book of Romans. You can get a feel for what this study is like through watching this previous study. You can contact Kelton for more information!
Small groups are a key aspect of our church community. They usually meet weekly in the home of a group member. We have three priorities during these gatherings: 1) Study & Application of God's Word 2) Fostering fellowship & discipling relationships 3) Prayer; bringing praise, confession, thanksgiving, & requests to God. You can learn more about our small groups here.
Our most regular women's gathering happens on a Saturday every other month (February, April, June, August, October, December) at 9am to grow in relationships of grace. We call these gatherings: Ladies' Tea & Truth. You can learn more about our Tea & Truth gatherings here. Our hope for these gatherings is that the organized will produce organic ministry to one another. Many of our women participate in bible studies and book studies informally, visit us on a Sunday and we'd love to connect you with some of those!
Our men gather on the second Saturday every other month (January, March, May, July, September, November) at 8am to grow in relationships of grace. We call these gatherings: Men's Breakfast. During these gatherings we eat breakfast, read a book, discuss together, and pray for one another. Our hope for these gatherings is that the organized will produce organic ministry to one another. You can visit the calendar below to learn about when we are hosting our next gathering!
children & youth
Our kids' programs provide opportunities for children age 0 to grade 5 to learn the Bible. We do this primarily through providing Sunday School classes for all ages and grades on Sunday morning.
Our mission and desire is to partner with parents and guardians in discipling their children.
We also offer exceptional childcare for infants and toddlers during our Sunday morning gatherings. We refrain from offering activities or classes for grade school aged children during our Sunday morning service to enable families to worship together.
For students (grades 6th-12th) we encourage our members to send their kids to Pillar Church of Stafford's youth group. They meet on Wednesday nights from 7-8:30pm. Click this button to learn about their youth group: Learn more
If you have any questions, please reach out to Paul Abdallah.
"But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may exult in you." Psalm 5:11
Corporate singing is a significant part of our gatherings on sunday mornings at Stafford Baptist! It is both a joyful response to God's abundant goodness and mercy, and a conscious affirmation of belief in His Word. Additionally, our singing is intentionally geared toward preparing our hearts to hear the teaching of God's Word each week.
When we gather as a body to sing, we have the joyful privilege of joining together in eager obedience out of the overflow of grateful hearts. We sing a mixture of traditional hymns, contemporary and original music, and older familiar hymn lyrics set to contemporary melodies.