
To contact the elders as a group: elders@staffordbaptistchurch.orgTo contact a specific elder, click on their picture.

  • Moses Abdallah

    Moses joined the Air Force after graduating from High School. Not long after arriving at his first duty station at Fairchild AFB in Spokane, WA, God used a coworker and others to graciously save him. Ten years later, while stationed  at McGuire AFB in NJ, he met and married Camille. Moses retired from the  USAF in 2002 and moved his family to VA. They moved to Stafford VA in  2004 and started attending Stafford Baptist Church in 2005. He first served  as an Elder from 2017 to 2023 and has recently started serving again in 2024 after a year long sabbatical. Moses and Camille have 2 children (Paul & Kathy) and 4 grandchildren (Lydia, Aaron, Evan & Shawn)!

  • Paul Abdallah

    God graciously saved Paul through faith in Jesus Christ when he was in middle school (while attending SBC!). Paul attended Liberty University and graduated with a Theology & Apologetics degree in 2015. Paul has attended Stafford Baptist since 2005 and was installed as an elder in January 2021. Paul is married to his wonderful wife, Tori, and together they have three children: a daughter, Lydia and two sons, Aaron & Evan. Paul loves sports (especially the Pittsburgh Steelers) and spending time with his family.

  • Kelton Zacharias

    Kelton Zacharias grew up in Connecticut and came to the DC area in 2005 to attend the George Washington University. By God’s grace, his roommate was a Christian who encouraged him to attend a campus bible study. Though he was raised in a churched home, he came to know the Lord through that college ministry. Kelton met his wife Rebekah at GWU in 2006 – they started dating in 2012 when they were both members of Capitol Hill Baptist Church, and they were married in the summer of 2013. Kelton is a graduate of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and before coming to Stafford served six years on the staff of Del Ray Baptist Church. Kelton was installed as an elder in March 2020. He is father to three children: Walker, Asa, and Emory. Kelton loves the Washington Nationals, fishing, and reading.


To contact our deacons generally:

To contact a deacon individually, please click their picture. 

  • Tangie Zellmer - Deacon of Children's Ministry

    Tangie grew up in Alaska then spent 13 years moving around various western states before moving to Stafford in 2012. She is married to Matt and has 3 young adult children (Hunter, Griffin, and Sophia). Tangie grew up in the church but it wasn't until she was in her 30's that the Lord, in His mercy, saved her. Tangie is a 4th grade teacher at a local christian school and in March of 2025 began serving SBC as deacon of children's ministry. When she is not at school or church, she can usually be found kayaking a local lake or river. 


To contact the staff generally: To contact the staff individually, please click their picture. 

  • Kelton Zacharias - Senior Pastor

    Kelton Zacharias grew up in Connecticut and came to the DC area in 2005 to attend the George Washington University. By God’s grace, his roommate was a Christian who encouraged him to attend a campus bible study. Though he was raised in a churched home, he came to know the Lord through that college ministry. Kelton met his wife Rebekah at GWU in 2006 – they started dating in 2012 when they were both members of Capitol Hill Baptist Church. They were married in the summer of 2013, and welcomed their daughter Walker in 2017. Kelton is a graduate of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and before coming to Stafford served six years on the staff of Del Ray Baptist Church. Kelton loves the Washington Nationals, fishing, and reading. Kelton was installed as an elder in March 2020. 

  • Paul Abdallah - Associate Pastor

    God graciously saved Paul through faith in Jesus Christ when he was in middle school (while attending SBC!). Paul attended Liberty University and graduated with a Theology & Apologetics degree in 2015. Paul has attended Stafford Baptist since 2005 and was installed as an elder in January 2021. Paul is married to his wonderful wife, Tori, and together they have three children: a daughter, Lydia and two sons, Aaron & Evan. Paul loves sports (especially the Pittsburgh Steelers) and spending time with his family.

  • Oscar Martinez - Facilities Manager

    Oscar was hired on March 1, 2024. He serves the church through the care of our facilities. If you would like to contact Oscar, please click on his picture.